
2024 summer teen group camp.

"My sons two weeks at Teencamps-UK were nothing short of amazing! The camp provided an incredible balance of learning, and personal growth. The staff were friendly, approachable, and always made sure everyone felt included and safe. The activities were diverse, catering to different interests—whether it was outdoor adventures, creative arts, or team-building exercises, there was always something exciting to do. He particularly enjoyed the leadership workshops, which helped him build confidence and new skills that he can apply in his everyday life. The friendships he made and the sense of community were truly special. he left with memories and lessons that will stay with him for a long time. I highly recommend this camp to anyone looking for a supportive, and enriching experience!" Happy family.

7th May 2024 One to One Camp in Spain - Young Male R -aged 14

"I stayed for 4 weeks and this camp has helped me get sober and off drugs which I'm very happy about and thankful for Damon and Erika's support and help. I feel different but in a good way. I'd recommend the camp for 2 reasons 1- it got me off harsh drugs and alcohol 2- this camp has made me realise all I've done wrong and how it affected people that love me and care for me which in my mind is very good. I would definitely recommend this camp to other young adults or kids if they've got the same issues as I had. My life has genuinely been saved from being a crackhead. My time at the camp has been a great eye opener and a big learning curve. I like Damon and Erika and they are lovely people and kind. I have a lot of respect for them and appreciate what they have done for me and how they've helped me so much and I'm more than grateful for their help. The food here has always been tasty and lovely and I've enjoyed the protein filled breakfasts and dinners and have loved the BBQs outside. Not only have I eaten great lovely food made with love I've also had food everyday so I have a normal appetite back. The accommodation has been very comfy, warm and nice and felt like a home. I enjoyed staying there.

14th April 2024 - One to One camp in Spain

" Have just spoken to my son and wow what a transformation already! I know it’s early days, but he is coming across a lot more positive, happier and his skin is looking much better. Thank you both so very much for everything. Apparently you are also both amazing chefs x I will reiterate again and thank you both from the bottom of my heart for all you’ve done and are doing" x Eliza

3rd April 2024 - UK Group Camp

I must thank you for the help you gave me and my parents to build our bridges and get on with life. Joe

27th August 2023

Teencamps.UK provided more than just a summer getaway for my 16 year old teen it was also a welcome break for me and his Dad – it offered a platform for personal development. The therapeutic work and team-building activities equipped my 16 year old son with valuable life skills while the friendly atmosphere led to the formation of genuine friendships with Damon and Frank. I wholeheartedly recommend this camp to any parent looking to give their teen a meaningful and enjoyable therapeutic camp." Mr & Mrs N,V Reynolds.

24th August 2023

"As a parent, safety is my top priority for my son and Teencamps.UK exceeded my expectations and the well-organised structure of the camp immediately put my mind at ease. Hearing my son thrived in such a positive and nurturing environment was heart-warming to hear. Mr K.P. parent

17th August 2023

"Sending my son to Teencamps.UK for a two week camp was the best decision ever. The range of basic activities and the emphasis on skill-building and personal growth is truly commendable. The camp strikes the perfect balance between fun and learning, and my boy came back with stories and memories that will last a long-time." happy mother Donna,

20th March 2022 "Thank you very much for your continued support" Dr A R. Parent

21st February 2022. "Charlie spoke highly of his time with you and Erika and we very much appreciate your efforts" RS (parent).

13th February 2022 - One to One Camp in Spain

"I didn't feel good at all when my parents wanted me to go to Spain on an Individual Therapeutic Retreat for a week but the closer the week got I kind of knew it was coming and accepted it. When I arrived I met Damon and he seemed like a nice bloke. I had a nice and cosy place to sleep and every morning had a wonderful breakfast. Overall it was good food, good sleep and lovely people. I expected it to be shit but it was actually very interesting and amusing. I've learned a lot about myself and I think this week has been a good experience and has benefitted me". Charlie 16

19th October 2021 - One to One Camp in Spain

"i could see the positive changes in him: more confident and mature, more "settled" in himself, seeing the future in positive ways. The camp (in Spain) seems to have helped him so much. Thank you again for the valuable work you have done with him." Cathy (Mum)

24th September 2021 - One to One Camp in Spain

" I was picked up at the airport and was met by Damon. He was a nice man and funny but was good to talk to to sort my head out. I was on an individual camp for 2 weeks and really enjoyed my time there. I would the recommend the camps to everyone" Brian 17 from Germany

26th August 2021

"Hi Damon, A huge thank you for taking care of C last week.. From what I can understand it was an experience he valued but found very hard". Mia (Mum)

16th August 2020 - UK Male Group Camp

my son continually said , ‘I like Damon’ and seemed to listen to Damon and his explanation of what the Camp was going to be about.! Upon his return, as we expected, he did not say he wanted to go camping regularly but he did say he enjoyed aspects of the camp.

Damon's stories kept him thinking about his behaviour at home. I know, with absolute conviction, we would not have reached an understanding without the camp intervention. Damon spoke of different cultures and how they handle teen age behaviour. I could see that my son had listened and could see how lucky he is with his loving supportive ( if a bit controlling) parents. It was clear from these kind of conversations that Damon was subtly making him realise his extreme behaviour would end in unhappiness ultimately.!

On a practical level, sleeping arrangements, food supplies, weather protection were all acceptable to him, in a camping situation.

There are many things he has got out of the camp, I feel like he was able to be himself on the trip without judgment but with support in a therapeutic way.!

Since the Camp, communication is much better and as parents we are trying to trust him more. These small progressions are definitely the result of a lot of self reflection on all parties. We are very grateful for the help the Camp has given us.!

I think the most useful thing we did was some family counselling sessions we had in the build up to the camp. Damon was able to give valuable advise and insight to young people today. Damon gave us specific strategies to cool down the temperature in difficult situations and when things went wrong between us he listened empathically and gave us, sometimes difficult to hear, interpretations of where we are all going wrong.!

I would recommend the Camp to any parents in similar situations, we have realised the key to getting through the teenage years is communication and its Damon that has shown us this. We are hoping to keep in contact with Damon as his insight, professionalism and understanding has been invaluable, especially during Covid lock down. SM Mum & Dad

16th August 2020

"His time with Damon he said was good and he was in good spirits on the journey back. Since been back at his Mums, his behaviour has been good and he’s been walking around the lake district with his mum and his brothers. This is promising behaviour and I hope that he realises that fresh air is a good thing. I was proud to hear that he didn’t whinge and that he was well behaved for the duration. I don’t think he’ll be the next Bear Grylls but his experience with you is something I hope he’ll remember for the good things he did". CB

29th October 2019

"Damon, I want to thank you for your help and support with O and also for your honest and upfront approach. I can already see that you have given O some interesting insights that have helped him see things from a different perspective. I read your report last night and there is plenty there to work through so once again thank you for that. I think it would be very useful for A and myself to know that you could be a resource going forward to help us if we become stuck on our journey with O and we may look to use your services over Skype. I am also very grateful for you meeting me in Telford and saving me the 6 hour round trip, thank you so much." Ben

29th August 2019

"Dear Damon & Erika

Thank you so much for the report, a really good read and encouraging to hear some of the things J feels and has said,. It has made me feel very encouraged that he does understand and that there is nothing really wrong with his ability its just he has to learn :)

J was like my little boy again laughing and having fun and we still had none of the shrugging and he seemed so much more relaxed and calm and spoke quite a bit about the camp and going back to school in a positive way.

Thank you both so much for your expertise in helping us all as a family and we wish you all the best for the future and if we need you again I will def be in touch :) but I am really hopeful that we can all move forward in the right direction :) you never know, his sister might be coming next ! :) " Emma

5th August 2019

"Hello , just wanted to say thanks , P seems to have more get up and go , she has applied for college and tells me she has a plan !! alls well that ends well and she does look healthy and lovely , so thanks again K xx" 5th August 2019

24th April 2019

We just wanted to say thank you to you and especially Damon for arranging and taking A on your camp. The experience was good for him and it seems to have opened him up a little at home. It was good for him to get away for the week and have his own space with his own thoughts. The most important is that he enjoyed Damon’s company and felt very comfortable talking and just being with him.

My son Harvey A (now aged 14) , was on a teen camp 2 years ago in the Summer, and I feel he will benefit from going on another one. 25th March 2019

24th March 2019- "Thanks for everything you did for Tyler on your camp, he has gone from strength to strength". Gareth P

"Thank you very much for this past two weeks that I spent in the Teencampsuk. It's been one of the best experiences of my life. It definitely made me look at changes, and changes for the future, and it made me look at where I want to be in the future. Alex from Portugal Cheers"

"Hi Damon, That's tremendous - thanks again for accommodating this last minute booking and the non standard close out - much appreciated. Regards, Drew Parent "

"My considered response it this, thank you from the bottom of my heart Damon and Frank. "A" continues to remain cheerful and communicative, he is engaged in his school work, self motivated towards homework, has begun to volunteer to help with household tasks and spends longer at the family meal table and chats about school project with our other teenagers. He is more inclined to engage in family activities, happily joined us on a recent family theatre trip, he comes on dog walks, volunteered to baby sit his cousin and is going to join us on a family ski trip in the New Year... Despite not previously enjoying it, to give it one more go!

The icing on the cake arrived in the form of an email from his RP teacher last week, she has been so impressed with his new approach to his school work this term she felt inclined to drop me a line to tell how pleased she was with his new found focus and maturity, having seemed to have overcome his earlier difficulties.

So all in all Damon, I'd say it is the results that count and speak for themselves and so far as a direct result of your programme and the safe space and guidance you and Frank gave "A" to take a view on his life and the consequences of his choices we have the old, happy, funny, "A" back in the building!

Thank you so very much for what you do, for being the person who has identified the issues young people are coping with and actually provides a solution that works and give results.

With gratitude and much appreciation, thank you" Sherrill x

" We are happy to let you know that "M" was doing well after the camp. We are really happy with your intervention, since it did change the situation for the better. Of course, there is some room for improvement and we also have experienced some difficult episodes, but those were manageable and of very short duration. "M" seems to be very much better now. -after he returned, he immediately looked much happier, more communicative and a bit more self-confident. The teachers noticed that change as well, and mentioned that he started to make more eye contact than before. He also recognizes and accepts the rules much easily. In summary, he underwent a clear good and significant change, especially in his emotional and behavioural status. Thank you" Mum & Dad

"Evening Damon, hope life is treating you kindly. Just wanted to send you a update on K, she completed her 11 GCSE's last year A* and some A's and a B. She is going to college and is working she is very happy now. We speak and texts daily and now have a good relationship. Thank you for the past 4 years with advice over the difficult teenage years. Julie satisfied Mum"

"Judging from T's attitude and behaviour since his return, its fair to say we have seen a marked improvement in his outlook and attitude generally, so from this aspect alone, we can consider the week a success and are grateful for that. Thanks Matt- Dad"

"Hi Damon Just a short line to say that J has been great at home, there has been an improvement in his behaviour, no problems getting up in the morning, not a cross word has been had and it has been really nice to have J be J!! J has been responding when asked to do things and is better organised which reduces as some would say stress. Thank you for the time and energy that you put in with J during the week away, it is very much appreciated and i understand it is not an overnight fix but we have all been a little more patient and listening more too. Parent Thank You"

"Hi Damon I would like to express my thanks for all the help you and your wife gave to A. I have purposefully waited a few months before getting in touch to see how things settled down after A visit to you. I can honestly say that when she returned we sat down and had a fantastic chat, she apologised to me for treating me the way she had been which, for A was a huge step, to take responsibility for her own actions. That is something we have been trying to instil in her for a long time. I also apologised for any short comings i may have had as a parent and I explained to her that by no means am i nor her father perfect and we make mistakes too. Anyway, we agreed to wipe the slate clean so to speak and start afresh from when she came back. This resulted in her getting all her privileges restored and allowing her some freedom to meet with pals, having the house to herself etc. Parent"

"Dear Damon Thank you so much for the help and support you provided to us!!! Thank you for taking care and mentor M during this time. During the weekend family camp, I got several insights that I believe will help me and my family to better function as a family from now on We will go through your notes and try to apply your feedback as much as we can It seems now that F and I have started to learn how to interact with "M" in a better way. We need also learn how to put all this into action. We will let you know how much progress we do in this. Once again, thousands of thanks! As I mentioned, there are things that money cannot buy, and your help in this family situation was one of those: we appreciate your dedication and involvement. Thank you!!! Very Happy Parents Thank You"

"Dear Damon You will recall that a couple of years ago a young man called A spent some time under your care in Wales. I'm very pleased to report that he's now graduated from college and doing very well, thanks almost certainly to you. Would you consider offering the same assistance to his brother who has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactive disorder and behavioural difficulties?. Now want to send sibling Mother "

"Hi Damon A few years have gone by since I sent T off with you for the week. I can honestly say it was the hardest thing I have ever done but it was the best decision I made. T has developed in to a lovely young man and is very different to the boy I brought to you. He is doing well at school getting A's & B's in his GCSE's and has started his A level courses. We have a really nice relationship now and it is a pleasure to spend time with him. I have no doubt that the time spent with you and your colleague was the vital catalyst to help him move forwards in life and release the anger and sadness that he was drowning in. The report you sent outlining my role and responsibilities was useful to take on board. I also did a parenting course which helped me immensely. I would recommend that it is something all parents do. Anyway I don't mean to ramble. I just wanted to say hello and let you know that T is going from strength to strength. Janine Satisfied Mum"

"Dear Damon/ Erika Thank you for your report. We must say, this is probably the most useful report we have had on T. Clearly you got him and understood him. Thank you also for making sure that T had a positive experience. He certainly seems to have come back a little more mature than before he went. We have still a lot of work to do with him, but your report and suggestions will be useful as we deal with his issues. We would not hesitate in sending him back to you next year. Mum and dad You got him and understood him"

"This place is not a punishment. It's a place to disconnect from the stress of life and build a new character within you. I have grown from a boy to a man" Shehz age 15

young person who attended 2016

"It's a good experience but the weather is pretty bad at times. Overall it's a good place to be and the food is great. Damon is a genuine guy who understands what you will be going through" Spencer age 14

"I would just like to thank you for the week 24th to 30th October 2008 on the One-to-One programme. I would like to mention just how much I appreciated it all". K young person

"Things as you suggested have been quite strained from the moment we arrived home, however, B returned to school on the Monday whereby I gave the Deputy head a summary of the week away and told him how positive I was about her future life at school. The school have now implemented the get out of class card, a reduced timetable, 6th form mentoring & regular careers talks with a view to going on day release in yr 10 potentially taking a veterinary course. B is very positive about this and so far no incidents which is great". Ruth Satisfied Mother

"At first he was showing a lot of resistance (kept shouting) And then 2 days ago he seemed to have a breakthrough when he started talking about compromise and understanding things from my point of view and we should talk things through. And yes it is about compromise . T, does seem ?lighter? but there is still lots to be done. Pleased to report that I have managed to get him interested in the Air Cadets and he is going to start there tonight as he is now old enough to join. A small step in the right direction and as well as flying, shooting, camping and abseiling they also have a football team. T, says it sounds like scouts but better. I am aware that I need to get a different perspective on my relationship with T. Also a big, BIG thank you to you and Peter, I really appreciate that you too were stuck in the middle of nowhere, wild camping so that you could help T. "S. Satisfied Parent

"Dear all, following a recent conversation with Damon from the Teenbratcamp.uk provision, I am enthused to say that this intervention would be EXREMELY beneficial to M right now in terms of supporting him build his resilience, make healthier choices and receive some therapeutic input away from his local environment." mark